Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Update

It's now the end of October. I'm reminded of a line from the Avett Brother's song Salina "I'm changing the plans that I've been setting on. I'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone." Tomorrow is November 1st and what have I done in the past few months of note? I've started going to a church that I enjoy for the first time in many years. It's really affected my outlook on things. I found that I walk with my head up more and admire the rooftops instead of the gutters. This made for some wonderfully enjoyable fall days that I feel confident I would have missed out on fully by looking down. Fall has a lot to do with the feeling like things are moving too quickly without enough being accomplished. Fall is only about one month at best here, and that means the color goes about as quickly as the temperature changes. That's hard on a country boy who as of late has been missing the peace of the country a great deal.

I find that when I ask for answers, I mostly get more questions. The main answer I've been looking for recently still eludes me like a Clash song. But for all the signs that pointed to going at the beginning, there have been as many things recently that suggest I would be prosperous should I stay. I'm on the boards of 3 organizations I care deeply for now, which all happened in the last month or so. Work is the same, but I feel more respected, and accepted in the circles I've been trying to be a part of. I feel like I'm on the edge of things starting to pay off professionally, if not personally. There's just an ominous tone to everything now. I mean remember what happened to the boy who suddenly got everything he ever wanted. But what Wonka never mentions is the life you have to give up to live the life you dream. Mark touches on it though, and these days I'm more inclined to heed a disciple than a candy man.

I feel like I'm waiting for the final argument to come. I feel like that's coming in November. I'm scared of what it may mean. Once all the debating is done, it will be time for action, and that means sacrifice one way or the other. Like the song says though "One day I'll - some day I'll come home." Oh, what a day that will be.

More details later....

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