Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How to Vote (in the future)

Alright, I realize this will be two politically motivated posts in a row, but I can't help myself. Recently I've grown incredibly weary of the truly uniformed people who are voting their overweight gut rather than their mind. Though my gut has served me well over the years, I've also noticed that a little research goes a long way when it comes to something that matters, like, oh say choosing the leader of our country, or deciding what peanut butter to buy. So I'm proposing that on all future voting ballots, for all positions with the responsibility level of mayor or higher (some Alderpersons will hate me for that, and they're right, but you gotta start somewhere), there be a short answer essay question that asks simply "Why are you voting for this candidate?" The answers to these questions can be as simple or as complicated as you want, but they cannot be based on race, sex, political party, celebrity endorsement, hairstyle, age, or, dare I say it, oratory skills. Answers must be based on things like policy, issues, political record... gosh, I don't know, stuff that matters.

I'm including here, and will update this as I think of things, a list of examples of acceptable and unacceptable answers. Enjoy. Join the movement towards intelligent choice. www.dividedwefail.org

Question: Why did you vote for this candidate?

Examples of Acceptable Essay Responses:

I agree strongly with this candidate's (energy, health care, tax, social security, foreign, environmental, financial, educational, etc.) policy/policies.

This candidate's stance on (abortion, prayer in school, creationism, the death penalty, homosexual marriage, the constitution, global warming, stem cell research, etc.) mirrors closely my views on this subject.

Examples of Unacceptable Essay Responses which will void your vote:

This candidate is a (man, woman, trans-gendered person, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Mormon, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Veteran, Hippie, Tree Hugger, Insider, Outsider, Good Talker, 8 time Olympic Gold Medalist, etc.)

I am a (man, woman, trans-gendered person, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Mormon, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Veteran, Hippie, Tree Hugger, Insider, Outsider, Good Talker, 8 time Olympic Gold Medalist, etc.)

This candidate is (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, ugly, good looking, married, single, rich, poor, middle class, young, old, endorsed by Oprah, etc.)

I am (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, ugly, good looking, married, single, rich, poor, middle class, young, old, endorsed by Oprah, etc.)

If you think of some things you'd like to be included on the list of vote voiding essay responses, just let me know.

Smart the Vote,

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